Monday, September 17, 2012


Dear partners and friends,

The time for preparatory visits is here and now! It is the best moment for asking to your National Agency for a preparatory visit to meet us in Granada and prepare your new project proposal for Leonardo da Vinci Mobility projects (IVT, PLM and VETPRO) and Erasmus placement projects for 2013.

In the following link you can find all necessary information about how to apply for a preparatory visit:

Preparatory visits are aimed at helping to establish contacts with prospective partners in view of entering into closer co-operation.

The aim of the preparatory visits is to help institutions which meet the requirements for the
Leonardo da Vinci and wishing to establish a new mobility project to contact and meet suitable partner institutions and / or develop a work plan to prepare the application for project / partnership.
Any institution wishing to establish a new project in Leonardo da Vinci Mobility actions can apply for a grant for enabling one member of their staff for a visit. The visit can be made in the following way:

- Visit to a potential partner institution in another country participating in the Lifelong Learning Programme (i.e. M.E.P. Eurprojects Granada).

Preparatory visits allow potential partners to meet in order to:
- Define goals, objectives and methodology of a future project.
- Define partner roles, responsibilities and tasks in a future project.
- Develop a work plan for a future project, including methods for monitoring,
evaluation and dissemination.
- Fill the application form of project

Requirements for approval:
1. Content and duration
The program for the mobility action is clear and reasonable; its duration is realistic and
2. Relevance
There is a clear connection between the activities and strategy of the institution from which the
applicant and the purpose and content of the preparatory visit.

Characteristics of a Preparatory visit (PV):
• Duration: 1 to 5 days.
• You can apply any time of the year, with an advance of one month prior to the start of the visit.
• must target a member of the LLP different from the sending country (EU member states and Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Croatia).
• You can visit two cities in the same country or from two different countries.
• They are designed for a single participant, in very exceptional situations may be requested the presence of a second participant (not for reasons of insufficient language skills, protocol or institutional representation).
• The maximum grant that is awarded depends on each country, check in your National Agency website:
• You can only make one visit per call, even if the institution will participate in more than one Leonardo da Vinci project. Attending a contact seminar counts as preparatory visit.
• Preparatory visits should always apply to future projects, not for a project that has already been approved.

It is very important to apply for preparatory visits because it gives extra points to your application when you will submit it so that your possibilities to get the approval get considerably enhanced.

Therefore, don’t doubt it and contact us for start preparing your application for preparatory visit.

We will be looking forward to receiving your news,

Mari Carmen Espartero
(Mobility European Projects Granada)
Plaza Trinidad, 2-1ยบ 5, 18001 GRANADA (SPAIN)
Tel.: (+34)958 25 02 84 / Mob: (+34) 634762143/649727115 /